Elementary Schools » Cottonwood Elementary

Cottonwood Elementary

 Cottonwood Elementary entryway
Phone: (307) 253-4700
Principal: Janie Woolson
Office Manager: Jennifer White
Address: 1230 West 15th St., Casper, 82601
 view school handbook graphic  view district handbook graphic
“The heart of Cottonwood Elementary is to create a caring community of learners through relationships, relevance, and rigor; one student at a time.”
Vision: Cottonwood School exists to create responsible, independent students who have the knowledge and attitude to be successful in an ever-changing world. driven decisions to differentiate instruction and foster students in our excelling school.”
School Wide Curriculum
Wyoming State Standards based Reading Instruction
“Making Meaning” and “Becoming a Writer” Resources
Wyoming State Standards based Math Instruction
“My Math” Resource
Wyoming State Standards Based Social Studies, Science, Health, Fine and Performing Arts and Physical Education
Conscious Discipline Approach
Caring School Community and Mind Up – Social Emotional Curriculum
Special Education Model of Instructional Delivery

Response to Intervention Tutoring: Inclusion/Pullout
Primary and Intermediate: Inclusion Support/ Resource Classes
Primary and Intermediate: Functional Life Skills Classes
Cottonwood uses materials in all subject areas that provide students with opportunities to learn and to use the Wyoming State Standards. Teachers, special education teachers, and tutors also provide a daily intervention and enrichment in both reading and math which allows instruction to be differentiated to meet the needs of each student.
Cottonwood has created eight houses as part of our building wide approach to create opportunities for different adults and students to work together. These houses work on team building skills and all students in our school are given a house adult to ensure that all students succeed.
Cottonwood Elementary has developed a theme of caring and kindness within our entire school family. We strongly believe our school must be a place where students feel safe and loved. Our goals are to replace negative behaviors with skills that will involve treating others kindly. To facilitate this effort, we have implemented a school-wide program based on the states of the brain that strives to unite, disengage stress, provide connection, and make daily commitments to the school family. Conscious Discipline is an evidence based social and emotional program that helps to build a school family that cares and takes care of one another. We are also implementing other social emotional curricula including, Caring School Community and Mind Up to enhance our mission.

Students may participate in a variety of after school clubs which include: Writing Club, Destination Imagination Club, Tennis Club, Art Club, Music Clubs, and others. Fourth and Fifth graders may participate in volleyball and basketball through the Casper Recreation Center.

Cottonwood provides a great introduction to school with a standards-driven, half-day preschool program. Cottonwood’s preschool is available to children ages 3 and 4 years old. Enrollment is conducted through the district enrollment offices.
Cottonwood provides two half-day sections of preschool:
8:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
12:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Classes at Cottonwood run from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Supervision is available from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.