Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board Recognizes Mr. Buck King's Years of Service

Natrona County Commissioner Paul Bertoglio shared the collective gratitude of the board while presenting Mr. King with a plaque to recognize his commitment and service to Natrona County.

“I have enjoyed working on this board, I have worked with some great people who do wonderful things for the community,” shared Mr. King. “That’s what we are here for to serve the community. It’s been interesting to hear the projects that have come through here over the years. It really shows how many people are interested in the community and improving it. I’ve been very blessed to serve on this board.” 

The Recreation Joint Powers Board supports recreation, education, and enrichment in Natrona County. The board, created in 2002, is a partnership between Natrona County, its municipalities, and the Natrona County School District. The board meets quarterly to hear grant requests for use of the one-mill tax levied for recreational purposes in Natrona County. 

We would like to wish Mr. King the very best in his future endeavors. Thank you again, Mr. King, for your tremendous and continuous service to Natrona County.