Kindness Is In The Air! Southridge Superstars Celebrate Kindness Week!

Southridge Elementary Kindness Club spent time after-school creating kindness jars to share inspirational messages of kindness and joy! The year-long Kindness Club is committed to going above and beyond to create a positive environment in their school and community.

Principal Tuttle said, "Our school mission is standing for excellence through growth and kindness. Kindness Club is one of the opportunities we have for students to practice kindness, generosity, and other helpful character traits. I'm so proud of all our students and staff each day for the kindness and exceptionalism they showcase, but especially for their extra efforts school-wide during Kindness Week!"

Ms. Kegler's 3rd-Grade class spent time writing kindness ideas, tasks, and compliments to their families. After addressing the envelopes, students mailed the letters to their families. This was a terrific way to incorporate what they are learning in class while celebrating Kindness week! Students also spread some cheer and kindness throughout their school with delivering notes of kindness and candy to their fellow Southridge Superstars!

"People need kindness because if the world was just bad then it wouldn't be good. Kindness is good." - Olivia 

"If you are being kind to others then they may be kind to you and it will keep going." - Collin 

"It's important to be kind because if someone is having a bad day, like getting bullied or something, you can help them" - Ellie 

"It's important to be kind because if you are kind you make the world a better place" - Marlie 

"It's important to be kind because if someone is nice to you, then you can be nice and it keeps going."  - McKaley 

Great job Southridge Superstars!

#KindnessWyoming #EverydayExcellence