LIFT Wyoming Aims To Heighten the Success of Future Wyoming Leaders!

A little bit of rain didn’t stop these students from shining as they spent the day immersed in a creative and high-energy environment learning about Wyoming business, opportunity, leadership, and strategic growth for the continued development of the great state of Wyoming! 


LIFT Wyoming is a one-day event promoting leadership and opportunity in the youth of Wyoming with a dedicated focus on positively impacting Wyoming’s future. The LIFT Event is a platform designed to engage, entice, and educate our up-and-coming young professionals about what Wyoming has to offer! This, along with instilling and modeling leadership, and teaching our Wyoming kids they have the power and ability to shape their own futures and the future of our great state is what is at the heart of LIFT Wyoming.” - LIFT Wyoming


Today, participating students had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and leadership base by listening to engaging and inspirational keynote speakers. 

After an inspiring morning of speakers, students were then able to take to the mic to ask hard-hitting questions about developing a business in Wyoming to a panel of local entrepreneurs including, Sean Peverly (owner of Metro Coffee Co., Wyo Gear, and Big Horn Media) Jen Fronterio (owner of Complete Physical Therapy), Amanda Scherlin (Visit Casper), and Jerad Stack (owner of Flowstate and a startup investor).


Students showcased their insightfulness and expressed interest in leadership and business by asking some thoughtful questions of the panelists. Check out some of the questions and responses below: 

“What is your advice to a senior who has no idea what their career is going to be?

“My advice is to explore many, entrepreneurship, and trade-schools and see what really interests you”

What is something you wish you had known when you were just starting out?

“I wish I would have known that there is always opportunity. In this community and in any community you live in, there will always be opportunities, you just have to get out and find them.”

What was the hardest part about your senior year?

“I think the hardest part was that it felt like an ending but really looking back, it was the start of where things really got fun for me. There was a lot of fear, and I was very scared to leave high school, but rest assured that the best is yet to come.”

Does going into business, or going to school mean you have to start out in debt?

“Going to college or going to school does not necessarily mean you are going to go into debt. I was able to get through the University of Wyoming with very minimal debt. If you are considering college, it is definitely worth considering the programs in Wyoming are amazing.” 

“I know it is easy for me to say this far into my life, but debt is not necessarily a bad thing. When people come to me to invest in their companies, the first thing I ask is, have you talked to a bank? If you can get debt and you believe in yourself and you believe in your business, you should do that because I am going to take part of your business as an investor, the bank won't do that. When used in the right way, and applied correctly, there is nothing that wrong with debt. That being said, you do need to have a path to paying it off.“ 

What would you say to someone who needs confidence and motivation to get started?

“If you have a dream or you have an idea, I am a person who will always tell you to go do it. You have to decide in your heart and in your head that you will be strong enough and that you can do it. Go and figure out that what you have in your heart is something you can chase no matter where you are at.”

The LIFT Wyoming Conference continues to LEAD, INSPIRE, FULFILL, and bring TOGETHER inspiring leaders of today and tomorrow, aiming to work together for the betterment of our local communities and state!